We are the first company that manufactures white miso in Kenya....! Ours are handmade using locally sourced soybeans and Koshihikari rice. Carefully peeling soybean cover and sieve the paste with a fine mesh for finishing, we made smooth beautiful white miso. [What is White Miso?] Brown colored miso is more widely known, but basically white miso's ingredients are just the same as brown one - soybeans, malted rice (called "Kome Koji"), and salt. But the biggest difference is the ratio of the ingredients. As for our miso, Salt content - Brown : 11% / White 4% Soybean : Kome koji (malted rice) ratio - Brown : 1 to 1 / White 1 to 2 [What does miso taste like?] Both brown and white miso have pleasant savoury flavour. The paramount of miso is "umami," the essence of deliciousness that comes from glutamic acid. But white is much sweeter and less salty than brown one. [Major Usages of Miso] 1. Miso Soup - Traditional miso soup is made up of miso, broth, and other ingredients. Some examples working well as broth are; fresh shiitake mushrooms, vegetable / chicken / beef bouillon cubes, and fresh chicken / pork /fish. Miso soup can be used as noodle soup, such as ramen, soba, udon, and rice noodles! Some noodle soups can be more creative with coconut milk, peanut butter, and gochujang paste! 2. Vegetable dip - mix miso and mayonnaise in the ratio of 1 to 2. It's also a good idea to add some some ground roasted sesame, pepper, or other spices you like! 3. Vegetable stir-fry and marination for meat- We introduce here a recommended ratio of miso sauce; Miso 1 cup : Mirin (Rice Wine) 1cup : Sake 1/2 cup: Sugar 2 tbsp. This mixture is also available as "All Purpose Miso Sauce" at Alphajiri ! You can also add some soy sauce to taste. 4. Don't be afraid of using miso for anything, not limited to Asian food! Even in pasta, mushroom sauce, scrambled eggs.... Just add miso in anything. [Ingredients] Soybeans (Non-GMO from Kenya), Rice (from Kenya), Rice malt "Koji" (from Japan), Salt No chemical additives or preservatives [Contents] 185g / 350g / 800g [Storage] Keep in the fridge once opened [Expiry]Miso rarely goes bad, but recommended to consume in 6 months to 1 year time.


Quantity: *
  • 350g
  • 800g
  • 185g

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